Community Development and Services

I Need Help...

How to Apply / Eligibility

If you are 16 years of age or older and wish to apply, you can Apply Online, in person or by calling the local Ontario Works office. 

500 Algonquin Blvd East
Timmins, ON P4N 1B7
705-268-7722 ext 3008
1-877-259-7722 (Toll Free)

6 Rue Ash Street
Kapuskasing, ON P5N 2C8
705-335-3435 ext 500
1-800-588-4443 (Toll Free)

142 Rue Front Street
Hearst, ON P0L 1N0
705-632-5663 ext 400
1-877-811-1192 (Toll Free)

149 5th Avenue
Cochrane, ON P0L 1C0
705-272-4214 ext 600
1-888-626-1538 (Toll Free)

33 Ambridge Drive
Iroquois Falls, ON P0K 1G0
705-232-4095 ext 700
1-800-461-2009 (Toll Free)

21 First Street
Moosonee, ON P0L 1Y0
705-336-2984 ext 800

Prior to making contact with your local office please make sure to have all information below for each family member:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Social Insurance Number;
  • Health Card Number;
  • Immigration Number & Date of Landing;
  • Asset Details (i.e. Banking, Vehicle, Property, RRSP, etc.);
  • Address
  • Current Income/Earnings (e.g. Wages, WSIB, CPP, EI, Spousal support).

Once you have been provided with an appointment to meet a Case Manager, it is very important for you and all required members be present to complete the application. Failing to attend will delay the determination of your eligibility. The following information is required to assess eligibility. You may be required to provide a copy of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Health Card Number
  • Immigration Number and Date Of Landing (if applicable)
  • Marital Status
  • Accommodation Costs including rent, mortgage, utilities, home/tenant insurance
  • Bank Account Information for the last three months
  • Information on earnings and income
  • Court orders/agreements for spousal support (if applicable)
  • Court order of child custody
  • Assets

Please note that the applicant, spouse and any dependent adult (18 years or older) in the family unit must attend this application.

You might be eligible for Ontario Works if you:

  • need help with your living expenses, meaning you do not have enough money to cover your immediate family’s living expenses
  • are 16 or older
  • live in Ontario (and are not a visitor or a tourist)

How we assess your eligibility
When you apply to Ontario Works, you will need to give us information about your:
  • family composition
  • income
  • assets

Income may include:
  • spousal support, government payments, employment insurance, WSIB, employment earnings and any other payments received by any member of the family unit

Assets may include:
  • cash, bonds, RRSP, cash surrender value of a life insurance policy, vehicles and any other asset that can be readily liquidated

Ontario Works staff will use this information to determine if you are financially eligible.
You will have to sign an application for Financial Assistance (part 1), a Participation Agreement (part 2) and consent forms to be eligible for Ontario Works.

Temporary Care Assistance 
Temporary care assistance is the assistance available to an adult who is:

  • looking after a child in financial need
  • he or she is not the natural or adoptive parent (has no legal obligation to support the child)
  • where the care is temporary in duration
  • the parent may be temporarily unable to support the child because of financial or other special circumstances such as: in hospital for an extended period of time, the parents may be deceased, whereabouts unknown

Ontario Works – Employment Services

OW Employment Services are provided to individuals who must participate in various activities to continue to qualify for financial assistance (some exemptions may apply).  Employment staff develop Participation Agreements with clients that are aimed at enhancing employability, finding and maintaining employment and increasing earnings with the goal of financial independence. 

Workshops such as WHMIS and Smart Serve, may be available as well as other training opportunities within the community. Clients can discuss these options with their Employment worker.

Funds may be available to help with employment related activities associated with employment start-up (e.g. work wear, licensing fee, transportation, child care).  Clients can contact their Employment worker for more information on these requests.

Employment Resource Centres are located on site in all of the CDSB offices.


Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP), is a targeted strategy for parents between the ages of 16 and 25 receiving social assistance to complete their secondary school diploma (Learning), prepare for employment (Earning), and develop parenting skills (Parenting). 

LEAP participants may receive funding to support their attendance at school, parenting and earning activities. These supports may include: 

  • transportation costs
  • approved childcare costs
  • the cost of parenting activities
  • school supplies & clothing. 


LEAP participants who have achieved their secondary school diploma, completed earning activities and received a parenting credit/certificate are entitled to a $500 bursary which may be applied to their post-secondary education or training or held in trust (e.g. RESP) to their child.

Employment Services – Student Employment

Contact our Employment Resource Workers:

  • Cochrane (Gisèle or Mélanie at 705-272-5745)
  • Iroquois Falls/Matheson (Amber at 705-232-4095)