Community Development and Services


Basic Needs

Number of Dependants Other Than Spouse

Dependants 18+ or Older

Dependants 0–17 Years

Single Recipient






















For each additional dependant, add $175 if dependant is 18 years or older and $0 if the dependant is 0 – 17 years of age.


Benefit Unit Size

Maximum Monthly Shelter Allowance













Boarding and Lodging

Dependants other than a spouse

Dependants 18 Years or Older

Dependants 0-17 Years


Recipient and Spouse





















For each additional dependent of a sole support parent:

  • add $120 if the dependent is 18 years of age or older
  • add $69 if the dependent is 0 – 17 years of age


Otherwise, for each additional dependent:

  • add $100 if the dependent is 18 years of age or older
  • add $61 if the dependent is 0 – 17 years of age

Remote Communities Allowance

Number of Dependants Other than a Spouse


Recipient and Spouse













For each additional dependent, add $99.

We know it can be complicated.  Please contact your Ontario Works Case Manager for further questions.

The role of the Eligibility Review Officer is to investigate a person’s past or present eligibility for payment under Ontario Works (OW). 

Welfare Fraud Hotline:

If you suspect that somebody in your community is collecting social assistance fraudulently please contact by: 

Phone:  1-800-394-7867

Online Report:


Local concerns may be forwarded to: 

Eligibility Review Officer
500 Algonquin Blvd. E., 
Timmins Ontario 
P4N 1B7
705-268-7722 ext 236

The Eligibility Verification Process (EVP) is the Ministry’s risk-based case audit process that ensures client eligibility for social assistance (Ontario Works and ODSP) is determined based on accurate financial and personal information provided by the client (e.g. income, assets etc.). 

EVP enables a risk-based approach to our touch points and interactions with clients to verify and confirm your on-going eligibility for Ontario Works and ODSP. It involves reviewing your financial circumstances, and conducting mandatory third party information checks. 

IVR (Interactive Voice Response System)

Our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone system can provide you with some automated information that you would normally get from your Case Manager.

It is available during and outside regular business hours and is easy to use.

  • 1-800-808-2268
  • You will need a nine (9) digit Member ID and four (4) digit PIN
  • Find out when a cheque was sent out and the amount
  • Find out about other important information about your case

Basic Financial Assistance includes income assistance provided for the purposes of basic needs and shelter. The amount that you are eligible to receive depends on your family composition, ages of your children, your monthly accommodation expenses and the amount of any income and/or earnings that you may currently be receiving.

The Basic Needs portion of your monthly entitlement is intended to cover such items as food, clothing, personal items etc. The amount of basic needs that you are entitled to receive depends on your family size and the ages of children.

In addition to a Basic Needs allowance you will be issued the amount of your actual shelter costs up to the maximum allowable for your family size. Due to a maximum amount allowable for shelter it is possible that your shelter expenses will exceed the amount that you are allowed. If this is the case you should speak with your worker to discuss options that may be available to you.

Allowable accommodation expenses include but are not limited to:

  • Rent
  • Principal and interest on a mortgage or loan incurred to purchase a residence
  • Occupancy costs paid under an agreement to purchase the residence
  • Property taxes
  • Fire insurance policy with respect to the property
  • Utilities other than energy for heat i.e. propane, water and sewer etc
  • Rent under a land lease
  • The cost of energy for heat
  • An amount for Board and Lodging

Accommodation expenses do not include such items as parking, cable TV, and telephone or internet access.

Included with your monthly entitlement all eligible participants will automatically receive monthly drug coverage that will cover the cost of most prescription drugs. Emergency dental care is covered for all adults. Dental care for children is covered under the Healthy Smiles Program.  Also, eligible participants may receive an additional amount up to $250.00 per month for a special diet. A Special Diet Form is available from your Ontario Works Case Manager. A medical practitioner must complete the form indicating that the diet is required for health related reasons.


The most common (and preferred) way of receiving your social assistance is having your OW funds deposited directly into your bank account via DBD.  This will ensure that you will receive your money on time and your funds cannot be lost or stolen (note: we do NOT replace).


If you do not yet have a bank account for DBD, your OW cheque will be mailed to your residence or mailing address that you provided to your Case Manager.  Once you open a bank account, your Case Manager will set you up for DBD payments.


If you are waiting to receive some ID to open a bank account, are unable to open a bank account and/or you currently have no fixed address, you can choose to have your OW cheque loaded on an OW debit card called a RELOADABLE PAYMENT CARD.  This card can receive OW payments instantly and can be used like a regular debit card for purchases, withdrawals, payments, etc.

  • Please speak with your Ontario Works Case Manager if you have any questions.

These benefits may be available to Ontario Works participants and families.  Please contact your local Ontario Works office for more information on:

  • Drug Benefit Coverage
  • Diabetic/Surgical supplies
  • Employment Start-Up
  • Hearing Aid batteries
  • Dental
  • Optical
  • Medical transportation
  • Funerals
  • ODSP referrals
  • Other discretionary benefits

The first $200 in net earnings or amounts paid under a training program that each adult member of the benefit unit earns are exempt plus 50% of net earnings that are in excess of $200.00.

This means that no matter how much someone earns, only half of the employment income is deducted from their Ontario Works financial assistance. This exemption only applies in the 4th month of assistance after you have been on assistance for 3 consecutive months.

The letter will outline the reason for your assistance being suspended. You will need to address the reason(s) as outlined. If you need more information about the suspension, contact your Ontario Works Case Manager or Employment Worker.

When receiving Ontario Works financial assistance from the province of Ontario, you must remain in Ontario. You may leave for up to seven days provided you continue to meet your job search efforts. If you are absent from Ontario for more than seven days, your cheque may be reduced. Please speak to your Case Manager before leaving the province.

If you require child care, please contact your Case Manager or your Employment Worker. You may be eligible for funding for informal child care (e.g. babysitter) or for the licensed child care subsidy program (e.g. childcare centre).

CDSSAB provides subsidy for child care in a licensed centre to those who financially qualify.  Subsidies can be provided to employed single or two parent families or to those who wish to access academic upgrading. Subsidies may also be available for children with special needs and socially disadvantaged children when referred by a third party.

Child care requirements should never be a barrier to employment.  Please speak to your Case Manager or Employment Worker.

The OCB is a provincial program to help low income families with the costs of raising their children.  Your annual income tax returns will be used to calculate your payment. If you qualify, the OCB is included as part of your Canada Child Tax Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement payment.

For specific information on your payment, call the Canada Revenue Agency toll-free at 1-800-387-1193. Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-665-0354.

For general information about the Ontario Child Benefit, call the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services toll-free at 1-866-821-7770. TTY: 1-800-387-5559.

Find out more online at Ontario Child Benefits

The Transition Child Benefit is a benefit for families on social assistance that are not receiving the Ontario Child Benefit or are receiving less than the maximum amount of the Ontario Child Benefit.

To receive the Transition Child Benefit you must be trying or have tried to get the Ontario Child Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement.

If you are receiving the Transition Child Benefit while you are waiting for your Ontario Child Benefit to start, it’s important to know:

  • When you get your first monthly Ontario Child Benefit payment, you may also receive a lump-sum Ontario Child Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement payment. This is to cover the months that you waited for your Ontario Child Benefit to start.

  • Because you received the Transition Child Benefit for the same months you waited for the Ontario Child Benefit, your next social assistance payment will be reduced.

Your Ontario Works Case Manager will explain this to you in more detail if needed.

Internal Review

  • An internal review is completed if you do not agree with an OW decision.
  • You must request the internal review in writing within thirty (30) days of the decision.
  • The Case Presenting Officer is neutral and was not involved in the initial decision.
  • The Case Presenting Officer must make a decision within thirty (30) days of the request for an internal review and the decision must be completed in writing.
  • If you still do not agree with the decision, all decisions with the exception of discretionary benefits can be appealed to the Social Benefits Tribunal (SBT) and you can also request Interim Assistance (Financial assistance until a decision is made).
  • If the decision is upheld, the Interim Assistance must be repaid.

Please contact the Case Presenting Officer for further details at (705) 268-7722 ext 252.

Sign up for our new service called MyBenefits.  It’s a new online service available to residents of Ontario who are in receipt of Ontario Works.

With this program you can: report income, address change, see future and past payments, see letters from your case manager and view your profile.

To register go to:  You will need your 9 digit member ID and the email address you have on file to register.

If interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Ontario Works Case Manager.

Ontario Works will cover the cost of birth certificates for active clients who do not have or have lost their birth certificates.  Clients must submit a completed birth certificate application form and an Ontario Works discretionary benefit form.  For any questions, please speak to your Ontario Works Case Manager.

If wanting to apply for the birth certificate yourself or for someone who is not on Ontario Works, please visit the Service Ontario website below: