Bridges Out of Poverty

Bridges Out of Poverty is a set of concepts that helps businesses, churches, schools, social service organizations and individuals address poverty in a comprehensive way. It provides ideas and concrete tools a community needs to reduce, alleviate and work with those in poverty.

The Bridges out of Poverty workshop is an opportunity to explore and learn from one another. We believe that everyone has some experience, knowledge or skills when looking at the issues of poverty – for some its their own experience living in poverty, some who have worked for years with clients or learners to assist them, for others trying to create change in their communities to make the lives of those living in poverty better.

We all have our own views and values about poverty and about individuals living in poverty and our views and values may be challenged as a result of the discussions and concepts that are shared throughout the workshop. We recognize that the content and the perspective we take may make you a bit uncomfortable. We encourage each participant to talk about what is making them uncomfortable versus thinking that what they are learning is wrong. What you will be hearing/learning throughout the workshop is simply a different way of looking at information that has existed for quite some time.

The workshop offers an opportunity for all of us to look at another model on poverty with a focus on economic disparities and recognize that people are more than the labels of economic class

Sign up for an upcoming workshop!!