Children Services

Canada-Wide Early Learning

Agency Inquiry

Agencies/Providers that may have any inquiries or questions please use the form below.
Note: You will be required to sign in with your childcare account to fill out.

Canada-Wide Early Learning Plan

Ontario has secured a deal with the federal government on a national child care plan for Ontario families.  Families will see financial relief through reduced average parent fees every year, with $10/day average licensed child care fees for children ages 0-6 by September 2025.
Licensed child care providers have the option to enroll into the CWELCC system and must notify CDSB of their intention to do so by September 1, 2022.  As licensed child care centres and licensed home child care agencies enroll into the system, rebates to parents can begin. 
For licensed child care agencies participating in the CWELCC system, all families with children six or under as of June 30 attending care, will see a fee reduction of up to 25% (to a minimum of $12/day), retroactive to April 1, 2022.
Parents can expect a further reduction by the end of December 2022, on average reducing fees by 50%.  The next reduction will be implemented in September 2024, and the final reduction to $10/day child care, on average, in September 2025.
The CWELCC system requires the creation of many new policies and procedures; therefore, it will take some time for licensed child care providers to enroll in the new system.  Please be patient, as CDSB is working closely with the licensed child care sector to implement the new system as quickly as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents or guardians of children five years of age and younger do not have to apply to receive a child care fee reduction.
You may be eligible for reduced fees if:
  • you pay more than $12 per day for child care and your child is:
    • five years of age and younger
    • six years old and enrolled in a licensed preschool, kindergarten or family age group or a licensed home child care premises, until June 30
  • your licensed child care provider chooses to enroll in the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care System
The amount that you will save depends on the current fees your child care provider charges and may vary by region.

Licensed child care providers are required to notify CDSB and the Ministry of their intent to enroll in the CWELCC system by November 1st, 2022.  Once a licensed child care provider is accepted into the CWELCC, they must notify families of eligible children within 14 days.

Once a licensed child care provider has notified families of their enrolment into the CWELCC, they must reduce their base fees for applicable families within 31 days.
Within 60 days, all applicable families will receive a rebate retroactive to April 1, 2022 (or date license was issued if after April 1, 2022).

After notifying CDSB and the Ministry of their decision not to enroll in the CWELCC system, providers must notify existing families of eligible children of their decision.  Parents will have 30 days to provide 30 days notice of withdrawal with no penalty if they so choose.

The amount you will save depends on the current fees that you pay for your eligible children.  However, the initial reduction will be 25% of your current rate, to a minimum of $12/day, retroactive to April 1, 2022. 
For example: you currently pay $49/day in child care fees for an 18-month old and $32/day for a 5-year old.  If your child care centre enrolls in the CWELCC system by November 1, your fees would be reduced by 25% to $36.75/day for the 18-month old and $24/day for the 5-year old – a savings of $20.25/day.
The Ontario child care fee subsidy program will continue to be available for families who are eligible for financial support.
The amount you will pay depends on your family’s income test and your child’s age.
For more information on fee subsidy or how to apply, visit the Child Care Fee Subsidy page on our website.

The Ontario Child Care Tax Credit program will continue to be in effect for eligible families.  Find out if you are eligible to receive tax credit to help with child care costs .